Where do you want to go on United Airlines?
United Airlines is currently hosting a new contest called, “United’s Three Perfect Days Contest,” which will allow one lucky winner to create a custom trip for them an a guest. All you need to do is make a creative video telling United where you want to go and why. Now, I have promoted some contests before, but I haven’t heard if any of you readers have actually entered. If you enter, I want to be sure to see your video. You enter view United’s Facebook, they will post the videos and you get to vote who is the winner. Here are the things you can win:
* One grand prize winner will receive a ’˜Three Perfect Days’ prize package including:
* Round-trip, economy class air transportation for two on United Airlines or United Express
*United Travel Options Premier Travel Plus for two (where available at select U.S. airports)
* Includes Economy Plus® Seating, First two standard checked bags free, Red Carpet Club one-time pass and more!
* $2,500 Visa® gift card for hotel accommodations and spending money
* Digital camera to document your trip
Two first prize winners will receive:
*50,000 United Mileage Plus® Miles
* Economy Plus® Annual Option
* $500 Visa® gift card
* Digital camera
Super AirlineReporter.com Bonus:
* If you are a reader and win this and choose to fly to Seattle, I will set up a special tour of all the great Seattle Aviation things to see here (I won’t be able to pay for your entrance, but you have $2,500.00 for that)
* I will give you stickers
* I will show your video on the blog (if you want)
I kind of wish the contest included two first class tickets, instead of economy plus, but heck at least you get to check out the Red Carpet Club. Good luck and let me know if you enter (I won’t be hurt if you don’t come to Seattle). ENTER NOW.

Rico wants you to wear your ugly sweater.
Air New Zealand has been doing some pretty cool things to show off. From almost naked flight attendants to a furry foul-mouth-suave puppet spokes-dude named Rico entertaining us greatly. Now, they want you to entertain them by wearing an ugly holiday sweater. Oh come on, I bet you have one somewhere… check the back of your closet. If you don’t, check out your local thrift store they seem to always have a great selection. It is worth the effort, because if you find a winner sweater, you can be a winner in Air New Zealand’s Ugly Sweater Contest.
That’s right. All you have to do is put on an ugly sweater, take a photo and send it in. If your photo makes Air New Zealand laugh (and cringe), you and a guest might be heading to New Zealand. You have until December 31st to find give it your best. I am guessing that Rico’s parents might have a few sweaters he could borrow for the contest based on his recent photo, hurry and beat Rico. GOOD LUCK!

How many of these airline liveries did you get correct?
You guys are crazy…crazy good. I really worked hard to try to make this the hardest one possible. With the first ultimate livery challenge, eight smart folks got them all right. This time only six got it, so I am on the right track! Here are your answers (click to see the full image):
#1 Onur Air Airbus A300 – photo by egcc
#2 Armavia Airlines A320 – photo by World Famous Airlines
#3 Air Pacific Boeing 747-100 – photo by dasdad54
#4 Cyprus Airways Airbus A319 – photo by Thomas Becker
#5 East African Airlines VC-10 – photo by Manfred Groihs
#6 Odyssey International Boeing 757 – photo by Savvas Garozis
#7 OrenAir Tupolev TU-204 – photo by osdu
#8 Faucett Peru McDonald-Douglas DC-8 – photo by Savvas Garozis
And these fine folks are the best of the best with airline liveries:
* Alfred T
* Gordon W (@GordonWerner)
* Kevin F (@TxAgFlyer)
* Ben W (@BenjaminWhalen)
* Patrick O
* Chris J
Even though who replied first didn’t matter, I did put them in order of when I got them. Alfred is out of control, he submitted his answer 2 hours and 32 minutes after I posted the challenge…amazing. I was not expecting this many people to get these right, so I am working on prizes, but each person will get a prize, just like they did last time.
I got some partial answers and those even really impress me. I don’t know how I will make this harder, but I am going to. Alfred…you have been warned :)!

Mwhahahah, good luck 🙂
A while back I did an Ultimate Livery Challenge and thought no one would get them. HA! Eight people ended up knowing the answers and I gave out eight prizes (Future of Flight hats). Well, I realized I had to make it harder…and I think I have. Here is the challenge:
Small print: I have not photoshopped any of these photos except to blur out reg numbers or flip the image to make it look pretty. You don’t need to know the exact model, just the family. (ie just need “Boeing 747” not “Boeing 747-300”). All these liveries are either new/old and used on planes doing passenger operations (ie not just cargo). All photo credits will be given with the answers.
Not too sure about all of them? That is ok. I do not expect anyone to get these all right. A prize (and link to your website…if you have one) will be given out to the closest person…so don’t hesitate to guess.
I also had a request to allow more time that wasn’t a weekday. I have listened. You have until TUESDAY JUNE 22nd at 5pm PST (update: I was sick yesterday evening and not able to get the answers written, so extended it) to submit your guess. Use the comments if you have questions (or want to complain about the difficulty), but do not put your answers there since I don’t others stealing your knowledge (or hard work). Please email them to me to da***@ai*************.com, send them via Twitter or my Facebook.
GOOD LUCK (you will need it)

It took 9,500 flowers to make this lei for the Hawaiian Airlines A330
Last week I showed a photo of Hawaiian Airline’s brand spanking new Airbus A330 and it had a fancy lei on it. I asked how many flowers do you think it took to make the lei?
Via the comments and people emailing me I received over 60 guesses. They ranged from 330 to 330,200 (both guesses a play off the being an A330, I am guessing) The answer? According to Hawaiian Airlines it took 9,500 dendrobium orchids to make the lei on the Airbus A330. Now that is a lot of flowers.
And who was closest? David Brown. Seriously. But it isn’t me, it is another David Brown (there are a lot of us out there and he has an aviation blog too). Mr. Brown guessed 9855 flowers, which was closest to 9500. I will be mailing him his prizes. Thank you all for participating!
On June 4th the A330 had its maiden flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles. This is the first of 27 new A330s and A350s that Hawaiian plans to introduce into its fleet over the coming decade. Check out this photo of the A330 being pushed back from its gate at Honolulu.