A smattering of airline pajamas… how many is to many? – Photo: Mal Muir | AirlineReporter.com
With so much talk in the past of pajamas in first and business classes, another story on pajamas was due, right? You’re not sick of it all yet, are you? If you do not remember the previous stories, feel free to take a look:
Why is looking at pajamas something important? I feel they are a link to the past of almost all airlines having high-end service and they are an aspect of an airline’s premium cabin that often get overlooked. There are a few more that I have been able to check out, and I wanted to share my thoughts.

The Emirates First Class pajamas look like a sweat suit but are really comfortable – Photo: Mal Muir | AirlineReporter.com
Emirates offers all passengers on long-haul night flights a pair of pajamas and a quite extensive amenity kit. The pajamas come in a two-tone color with a dark brown for the pants and a lighter tan color for the top. With a feel more like that of a sweat suit, they were still comfortable, albeit slightly warmer and thicker than other offerings (which is a little bit weird considering where the airline is from).
Although I wasn’t as fond of the design (mainly the material) they did feel comfortable fit-wise and the colors were not at all horrible on the eyes.

A Pair of ANA First Class pajamas, incredibly light yet extremely refined – Photo: Mal Muir | AirlineReporter.com
All Nippon Airways (ANA) offers pajamas both to their first and business class guests. While the business class offering if more of a typical pajama look and feel (to me at least), the first class pair are entirely different. Still retaining some form of blue color, they have a heavy mix of grey, and are incredibly light and delicate.
They come in a snazzy little pouch made of similar colored material; however, unlike other airlines, these pajamas must be returned to ANA once your flight is complete.

The ANA First Class “Knitwear” (aka sweater or cardigan, your choice) – Photo: Mal Muir | AirlineReporter.com
However when you fly ANA pajamas are not your only option. If, like me, you don’t sleep on flights (even in the premium cabins) you probably wouldn’t feel all that comfortable changing into pajamas. ANA has you covered (literally). They offer a sweater (or as the airline calls it “knitwear”) that you can borrow during your flight.
While the grey color maybe a bit boring, passengers will wear it more for comfort than for style. It is light, yet amazingly warm. It allowed me to more easily get work done while staying warm, versus using a blanket.

A pair of First Class pajamas from American Airlines – not an airline you would typically expect to offer them – plus retro logo! – Photo: Mal Muir | AirlineReporter.com
What is the only airline based in the US that offers first class PJs? Well, you probably know the answer by now: American Airlines. Given to first class guests on their long-haul flights (say Dallas to Asia or Miami to London on the new 777-300ER) this little benefit is sure to make those flying the new American pretty happy.
Yes, a US airline might be offering pajamas, but I have to admit my expectations were a bit low. I mean, how could they compare with Asian and Middle East airline PJs? I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised.
American’s are made from a poly-cotton blend (90/10), which do not feel as soft as the 100% organic cotton that Cathay offers. The use of any color (bright red strings) is pretty radical in the world of airline PJs and I am not sure of the black and white stripes.
The pajamas are comfortable and run big in size. The older logos on the carry pouch and the pajamas flashback that these were offered prior to the #NewAmerican. Are they the best pair of pajamas that I have? I have to say no, but they sure are not the worst either. They sure are a heck of a lot better than getting nothing and passengers are able to keep their pair. Plus, I am sure the colors (black and white stripes) may grow on me.
With so many airlines and so many different options out there it is hard to say who truly has ’œthe best.’ For a huge majority of passengers, the PJ is not going to make or break your experience, but just is a nicety that can improve your flight. There are many other amenities, like food, the seat, and even showers (like on the Emriates A380) which can affect your flight more.
For many who do not have the means to fly first class all the time (and often use miles to do so), the pajamas can become a great souvenir of your amazing flight experience. But for others they will just become a disposable commodity that might have never been used. For me, I always enjoy a nice set of PJs on my flights, even if I do not end up sleeping in them while flying.
I think that it’s enough pajama’s blog entries already… don’t you?