LOT Polish Airlines started service to New York in 1973 using the Ilyushin IL-62. Check out those paintings. Photo from LOT.
Hopefully the title of this story makes total sense to you already. What the heck does LOT Polish Airlines celebrating 40 years of flying from Warsaw (WAW) to New York (JFK) have to do with James Bond? Oh just wait.
It was a big step for LOT to start their Warsaw to New York flights in 1973 using the Ilyushin IL-62. “Taking into consideration Poland’s political situation at that time, the launching of airline operations to the US in 1973 should be recognized as a breakthrough in Poland’s relations with the West,” said Sebastian Mikosz, President of LOT Polish Airlines. “We are proud of such a long tradition of this flight, being the most popular among our passengers. Thanks to the well timed and plentiful connections, our North Atlantic flights also generate a big flow of traffic via our Warsaw hub.”

A whole bunch of go-arounds turned the JFK airspace into a tangled web of flight paths
Shortly after noon today at New York’s JFK airport, a powerful thunderstorm cell with cloud tops of 40,000 feet passed over the field and subsequently turned the NY airspace into a tangled mess.
Lightning struck the field a first time, taking down the airport’s runway visual range (RVR) equipment, which is used to measure exactly how far a pilot in the center of the runway is able to see the center line markings. Lightning strikes happen and equipment failures occur all the time, butmoments later, lightning struck yet again, this time taking out the ILS glide slope for runway 4R, the active runway. At that moment, several international heavies were on final approach, forcing missed approaches and go-arounds.

Only 22 days, 4 hours, 59 minutes, 31 seconds until JFK T4 opens…. but who’s counting.
How does an airline spread the word about their new terminal opening soon? If you guessed “rent space in lower Manhattan, recreate the best features of the new terminal, and sell cheap lunches,” you are correct! If that isn’t what you guessed, let me tell you a little bit about how Delta is preparing New York for the new JFK Terminal 4.
On May 24th, Delta opens an expansion to terminal 4 at JFK, moving their operations out of terminal 3. For those of you who many not have flown Delta through JFK recently, terminal 3 has fallen on hard times, and is slated for total demolition in the near future. The experience there is anything but world class, and passengers actively avoid it. Terminal 4, on the other hand, is a 1.4 billion dollar investment at JFK, bringing high tech features, new dining and shopping options, and an overall better experience to New York.

American Airlines Boeing 777-300ER at a cloudy JFK.
Airline: American Airlines
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER (N719AN)
Departed: John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
Arrived: London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
Stops: Non-stop flight
Class: Business Class
Seat: 9A to and 8J back
Length: About 6 hours
Cheers: Amazing new Business Class product that goes head-to-head with international carriers.
Jeers: Still some grumpy employees who need to smile more.
Overall: American is not just talking the talk; they are walking the walk — they just need to walk a bit farther.
Terminal 8 at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York yesterday hosted a special event: the first American Airlines plane with the company’s new livery was in town. The 737-800 is the first American aircraft with the new livery, but a Boeing 777-300 ER, the carriers new flagship aircraft, is being painted right now and we should see it before its maiden flight to Sao Paulo on January 31st.
With members of the media invited, American Airlines talked about the change to their iconic livery, and what it means for the brands future. In general, most people I spoke with like the change, though some were a bit reluctant to accept the new tail design.
After seeing it in person, I am torn over this new livery. I like a the look of the body of the aircraft, but the tail leaves a bit to be desired. There is a lot of detail in the paint on the tail, but most of it is lost at a distance. The engines and winglets also need something to tie it all together.
Check out some close up shots of the new paint below, you might just see some details you didn’t notice before. With a bit more time to process; what do you think about the new livery?
Read some more about this event and AA’s reaction to criticism of the design over at APEX.com.
Time to update the AA logo history in T8, JFK.
American Airlines 737 featuring the new livery, as seen from above in the operations tower.
I wonder what the One World livery will look like when it is updated?
American Airlines 737 tail featuring the new livery, as seen from above in the operations tower.
The new American Airlines tail design, close up. Much more detail here than you see from a distance.
The new American Airlines tail design
The new American Airlines tail design
American 737 with the new livery, and a promo poster for the upcoming Boeing 777-300ER
Say goodbye, old livery!
That’s me!
Flight deck of the Boeing 737
Heads up display on the Boeing 737
Left seat of the 737, fully stocked with an iPad for the electronic flight bag
PA system controls
Boeing Sky Interior controls
Boeing Sky Interior
Old and New
The American Astro Jet showed up!
This story written by… Jason Rabinowitz, Correspondent.
Jason is a New York City native who has grown up in the shadow of JFK International Airport. A true “avgeek”, he enjoys plane spotting and photography, as well taking any opportunity he can get to fly on an aircraft.
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