What has the room of the Boeing 747-100, but can land at more airports? Well, the DC-10 of course. This 1971 American Airlines shows how the DC-10 had a lounge in first class and economy. Those were the good ‘ol days right? Wonder how much one of those tickets cost from Los Angeles to Chicago. Today you can do it for about $150 each way. Try doing that back in 1971. Either way, enjoy this classic video.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com

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My aunt was a reservation agent for TWA in 1966. I still have her training folder in which I found a 1966 Domestic Discount Fare Chart.

JFK-LAX Coach was $145.10 one-way (double that for round-trip)
JFK-LAX First Class was $160.90 one-way (double it for round-trip)

If one used an coach excursion fare, there would be a 25% discount, so it would be $217.65 round-trip.

Adjusting these for inflation:
JFK-LAX Coach today would be $982 ($1,964 round-trip)
JFK-LAX First Class today would be $1,091 ($2,182 round-trip)
JFK-LAX-JFK Coach excursion today would be $1,473

I wonder how many DC-10/MD-11s still flying vs 747s? Anybody know? Only sched commercial pax MD-11 I see still flying is KLM. Still lots of 747s. USAF & FEDEX must be largest (KC)DC-10 operators? FEDEX largest MD-11 operator? Been interesting if DC had buildt the twin DC-10.

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