Come to look at the planes, stay to have a good time at the Museum of Flight! Photo: Sean O’Neill | FlickrCC
UPDATE: All of our tickets to the event have been assigned. See below to be added to the waitlist.
If you live in the Seattle area, you like airplanes, and you enjoy getting together with other like-minded people, please keep on reading. On July 30th, our friends at The Points Guy will be at the Museum of Flight to host a special aviation-themed event and you should join!
What will happen at the event? Fun games, aviation-related presentations, travel discussions, a little Q&A, and the best part is talking to other AvGeeks! (there will also be some food and drinks).
You will need a ticket, but we might be able to help with that. We were kindly given a few free tickets to give away to our readers.
The details & how to get your ticket:
What: Exclusive TPG Aviation Event
When: July 30th from 7pm to 9pm
Where: Museum of Flight in Seattle
Cost: Nothing, just a smile
Why: Because
How to get on the waiting list (updated): We have given out all our tickets for the event. If you wanted to be added to the waitlist, you can email me at da***@ai*************.com with ’œTPG’ in the subject line. I will know by Sunday if any come available. Thanks!
Hope to see you there (I will be there, along with a few other AirlineReporter writers)!

A bunch of awesome dorks watching airplanes land at LAX
One of the best parts of this gig, is being able to hang out with like-minded people. Those who can go on and on about airplanes and airliners and no one rolls their eyes and everyone smiles. The group that cuts a conversation half way through to watch a plane land and no one minds. If this sounds familiar, you probably should come to Dorkfest and hang out in September.

See that park below? And the IN-N-OUT? That could be you. Well, you wouldn’t be the park and restaurant, but you could be there, which is even cooler! Photo – Bernie Leighton
Brett Snyder, the guy behind Cranky Flier, has put together this event/non-event for quite a few years now. It is quite simple. 1) Show up at the IN-N-OUT by LAX anytime between 11a-1p on September 23rd. 2) Watch airplanes. Talk airplanes. Eat food at food place. No tickets, no reservations, no scheduled activities — simple. Plus, if you want to go super legit, you can also participate in the 4th Annual PHXSpotters- NYCAviation Spotters Event at LAX.
No matter what, it is going to be a grand time. A few of us from AR will be there (including myself), so hope to see you there!

Just hanging out under a Beechcraft Starship drinking wine – Photo: Future of Flight
We like wine. We like wings (the airplane variety). Why wouldn’t we love this awesome event at the Future of Flight?
On Friday, June 20th (next Friday), from 6-9pm, the Future of Flight is hosting a special event that features a night of wine, beer, food, music, and more at their facility (with airplanes there of course): Wing, Wings and More.
The event includes tastings from over 30 boutique wineries and distilleries and a beer garden on the Strato Deck with amazing views. Not to mention there will also be catered food.
Tickets are on sale now and only cost $45 ($35 if you are a member).
Hope to see you there!