What plane was the best-selling airbus?

What was the best-selling airbus?

This is a tag line from a magazine ad from the 1970’s. Anyone have any guesses which ad this might be from?

I will post the full ad tomorrow.

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com

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I’ll take my chances and say it’s the 737 🙂

well the Boeing 727 was the best selling commercial aircraft until the 737 surpassed it, so in the 70s the 727 was king.

Never heard it called an airbus before though I must admit, which means I’m probably incorrect 🙂

Patrick Olave

DC-10 ???

Paulo M

Lockheed L-1011 (-or DC-10).

Oi! Who invented the term airbus (wide-body short-range aircraft)?

The word “airbus” was a term used by the airline industry in the 1960s to refer to a commercial aircraft of a certain size and range. The first Airbus was the A300.

In the late ’70ies, the Bus service from London downtown to Heathrow or Gatwick, if I remember correctly, was named the “Airbus”, so when “Airbus Industrie” was created, obviously some confusion arose… The differend was settled when BAe joined the consortium : it became apparent in which direction politically the wind was blowing in UK, a few well-placed telephone calls, involving some very “connected” people indeed, took place, whereafter the bus shuttle people accepted to withdraw their legal action (a priority claim), probably a substantial number of cases of Dom Perignon or Chateau Yquem changed hands, then things quieted down… Maybe this is what you’re referring to ?

I think it’s the 707 or the 747!

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