
787 Seafair 2010 from Liz Matzelle on Vimeo.

Every year Seattle celebrates Seafair. Parties, parades, hydroplanes, lots of people and of course the Blue Angels.
This year there was a special guest: Boeing 787 Dreamliner ZA003 did two fly-overs.

I wasn’t able to make it, but luckily Liz Matzelle was there to get video of the beautiful Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Yes, it is August and still overcast and raining in Seattle. Normally it is beautiful during Seafair, but this year not so much.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me: david@airlinereporter.com

Flying With Kenmore Air to the San Juans: They are more than seaplanes!

Those engines look huge on the 787. I like it!

I really love how it comes out the clouds and BAM, it’s there!

Blue Angels- Shmo Angels, I will take the 787 :).

I was asking for a barrel roll (http://bit.ly/cDNy4f), but Boeing said no (http://bit.ly/8ZohOQ) 🙂

David PARKER Brown (really)


You have no idea how hard that flyby was to do: but you captured it beautifully. Even me in the T-33 chase plane. Great job!

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