Stories by Jonathan Trent-Carlson

CONTRIBUTOR - BOSTON, MA. Professional public servant by day, AvGeek by night and an elite frequent flier, this Boston based writer also enjoys watching college football and playing tennis when not working or keeping up with the latest news.

Virgin Atlantic's Airbus A340 called Bubbles - Photo: Lewis Smith | FlickrCC

Growing up, many of us were excited moving up to the next grade level in school. For whatever reason, I assumed high school would be a totally new experience. In some respects, it is. However, when you walk through the doors, you see many of the same kids you already knew. The halls are still lined with lockers that have combination locks to give a false sense of security but you really know that with some repeated jiggling they’ll open without you having to actually dial the combination.

You still spend the day in classrooms with teachers who drone on and on about this or that, and at the end of their lecture they still assign a ton of homework. In the end, its really not much of a different experience than where you were previously. Yes, the halls were bigger, our bodies were undergoing changes that just make things awkward, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t that special. For me as an AvGeek, it was a similar experience I had when finally flying on a wide-bodied jet for the first time.