Aerial view of the DreamLifter and Future of Flight taken by Paine Field
Paine Field is in the process of building additional parking spots next to the Future of Flight. The hope is Boeing 787 Dreamliners will one day be parked there, but for a little over a week, a Boeing DreamLifter has been making it home. If you are in the Seattle area, this gives you a great opportunity to pretty close to a DreamLifter.
This photo was taken from the sky by the Paine Field Airport. Check out the shadow that the DreamLifter puts on the ground (zoomed in photo), it is quite impressive, just like the plane itself.
* Larger version of image above
* Photos I took of the DreamLifter yesterday while at Paine Field
Did you notice during your visit at the KPAE flight line that the first Cathay Pacific 747-8F (L/N 1427 – 747-867F, RC551, serial number 39238, future registration B-LJA) was not present anymore on the flight line ? It was stationed next to the second Cathay 747-8F (L/N 1428, B-LJB)) as shown on your photo DSC03776.
This aircraft and the first produced 747-8F for Volga Dnepr (L/N 1430 – 747-8HVF, RC601, serial number 37580, AirBridgeCargo Airlines (ABC) #1, future registration VQ-BGZ) seem to be already several days in the paintshop and will come out any day now.
According several sources the first produced Cathay 747-8F Aircraft will receive a special (adapted) livery.