Cabin of an airline -- keep it clean!
I know I have been on certain airlines (I will keep them nameless) where there seems to be a constant dirty feel to them. Seats are stained, garbage in the seatback, and don’t even get me started with the bathrooms…
After United Airlines tied for last place in a JD Power and Associates survey for aircraft interiors they took a second look at their cleaning schedules.
It is not as simple as breaking out the 409 or some other cleaner, since many passengers will have allergies or some chemicals might interact negatively with the plane’s frame (and no one wants that).
Where United would only do deep cleans (shampooing and scrubbing) once every 6 to 18 months (kind of gross thinking of the number of people on the planes), now it is more about 30-days for domestic and about 15 days for international aircraft.